One of the hottest trends in patio decorating today is to use outdoor recessed patio heaters. A recessed heater gives you the convenience of coming and going in your outdoor living space without having to crawl or stand up. These heaters are designed to fit easily into any existing wall of your patio.

Today’s patio heaters come in a wide variety of styles, shapes, and materials. In this article we’ll take a look at three of the most popular designs.

The most commonly used outdoor recessed patio heaters are square or rectangular. These are available in the most common shapes that any person could think of, including trapezoid, oval, and rectangular. Other shapes like the round, oval, and heart-shaped are also available. Both square and rectangular heaters are most commonly used in patios that have very little yard space.

Standard rectangular outdoor patio heaters come in different sizes, and each one is usually made with a matte or semi-gloss finish. Semi-gloss is the best type of finish to look for, as it will provide maximum protection from sunlight and prevent fading.

Square and rectangular outdoor recessed patio heaters are often sold in sets, and the price for the whole set will be considerably more than buying the individual pieces separately. One of the most popular styles of these heaters is a full, elliptical shaped patio heater.

With rectangular patio heaters, the heaters are always positioned near the door. You can select the size of the door, but keep in mind that a large sized door will provide you with more privacy. If you live in an apartment, a door with glass should be considered. Glass doors will create a cooler atmosphere for your patio heaters and keeping your door glass clear will allow maximum sunlight in to your patio space.

For those with smaller yards, rectangular patio heaters are an excellent choice. They can be placed close to the door or outside of it. Remember to make sure the door is fully or partially open to allow maximum sunlight into your patio.